
New 'MIND' diet may significantly protect against Alzheimers disease

Posted in Medicine on 23rd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

Even moderate adherence shows reduction in incidence, according to a paper published in the journal Alzheimers and Dementia.

Autistic and non-autistic brain differences isolated for first time

Posted in Science on 22nd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

The ability to analyse the entire data set from an fMRI scan provided researchers the opportunity to compare accurate computer models for both autistic and non-autistic brains.

Glass Fibers May Open Door to Neuromorphic Computing

Posted in Science on 22nd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

Researchers have demonstrated how neural networks and synapses in the brain can be reproduced using glass fibers made that are sensitive to light, known as chalcogenides.

Neuropsychology: Power naps produce a significant improvement in memory performance

Posted in Science on 21st Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

Psychologists have shown that a short nap lasting about an hour can significantly improve memory performance.

Modified microscope allows for high-speed, high-res imaging of live neurons

Posted in Medicine on 17th Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

The device images without signs of cellular damage and has a spatial resolution up to 100 times better than a standard light microscope.