
Scientists convert human skin cells into brain cells

Posted in Medicine on 28th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

By exposing skin cells to a particular combination of cell programming molecules, scientists managed to convert them into brain cells that behave like native cells.

University's m study of eyeball link to Alzheimer's

Posted in Medicine on 27th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Researchers at Dundee University are to lead a .1m study into whether eye tests can reveal the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Are efforts at total brain simulation putting the cart before the horse?

Posted in Science on 26th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Since it was awarded a one billion euro, decade-long research grant last year, the Human Brain Project has been the center of extreme excitement and heavy criticism.

Transparent graphene-based sensors open new window into the brain

Posted in Medicine on 23rd Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Engineers have developing invisible implantable medical sensor microarrays to allow for seeing brain tissue hidden by implants.

How myths about the brain are hampering teaching

Posted in Science on 17th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Teachers in the UK, Holland, Turkey, Greece and China were presented with seven neuromyths and asked whether they believe them to be true.