Obamas Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology
Posted in Science on 12th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
The U.S. announces $46 million to develop new technologies for exploring the brain.
Brain Scan Technique Could Predict Dementia Before Symptoms
Posted in Medicine on 9th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
Researchers say a simple technique using magnetic resonance imaging could lead to an early diagnosis of dementia, long before cognitive decline is evident.
Nobel Prize for the brain's GPS discovery
Posted in Science on 8th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
The Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine has been awarded to three scientists who discovered the brain's "GPS system".
Massive electrode array system will do first large-scale network recording of brain activity
Posted in Medicine on 1st Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
An electrode array system that will enable researchers to better understand how the brain works.
Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimers Reversed
Posted in Medicine on 1st Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
Small trial from UCLA and Buck Institute succeeds using systems approach to memory disorders.