
Drug offers ‘wonderful’ breakthrough in treatment of asbestos-linked cancer

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

Medicine used alongside chemotherapy in trials quadrupled three-year survival rates for mesothelioma.

Big strides in cancer treatment bring us closer to breakthroughs

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

The landscape for cancer treatment has seen several ground-breaking advancements in recent times. From innovative therapies to diagnostic technologies, progress is reshaping our approach to cancer care.

FDA approves groundbreaking treatment for advanced melanoma

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

TIL therapy shrank tumours in about a third of patients who had run out of treatment options, according to a clinical trial.

Chip Checks Blood To See If Cancer Treatment Is Working By Fourth Week

Posted in Medicine, Science on 1st Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

The researchers looked at liquid biopsies, tests that look for signs of cancer in the patient's blood, like cancer cells shed by tumors.

Genetic Study Estimates Risk of Death From Prostate Cancer

Posted in Medicine, Science on 30th Jan, 2024
by Alex Muller

The chance of dying from prostate cancer can be reliably estimated from a short section of genetic material.