Project Loon

Google internet balloons should start commercial service in 2019
Posted in Hardware on 27th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller
In 2019, you may check your email with the help of a balloon 12 miles up in the sky.

Alphabets Project Loon now requires fewer balloons to beam down internet
Posted in Online on 17th Feb, 2017
by Alex Muller
Researchers at Google say they are 'years closer' to rolling out a network of huge balloons to provide connectivity to rural areas.

First Internet delivering Google Loons launched in Sri Lanka
Posted in Online on 18th Feb, 2016
by Alex Muller
Each balloon can provide connectivity to a ground area of around 25 miles (40km) in diameter using LTE, also referred to as 4G, technology.

Google's project skybender is another internet-firing drone
Posted in Hardware on 31st Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller
Both Facebook and Google have been testing aerial devices that would be able to provide reliable wireless internet access in remote locations.

Google Loon and drones could connect the remaining 4 billion
Posted in Online on 3rd Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller
The total number of mobile Internet users is forecast to rise at a pace of 2% annually through 2020 unless new methods of accessing the Internet are introduced.