
Abu Dhabi throws the switch on world's largest single-site solar project
Posted in Hardware on 8th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller
Abu Dhabi is claiming the title of the world's largest single-site solar project, having hit the go-button on the Noor Abu Dhabi project this week, with a reported capacity of 1.177 gigawatts

Worlds largest photovoltaic solar plant to be established in Turkey by 2018
Posted in Business on 24th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller
The plant will be constructed on a nearly 2,000-hectare area, will produce 1.7 billion kwh of electricity, which is enough for 600,000 houses.

Solar Cost Hits World's New Low, Half the Price of Coal in Chile
Posted in Business on 24th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller
Chile awarded a contract to sell solar power for $29.10 per megawatt hour (MWh), the lowest ever across the planet.

Exponential growth and the renewable surprise
Posted in Business on 30th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller
Solar PV has grown faster than government officials thought possible, this time in the UK.

Catalyst is 3x better than previous record at splitting water
Posted in Featured, Science on 26th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller
A catalyst that's three times better than the previous record-holder at splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, the vital first step in making fuels from renewables.