
One of the Most Important Tools in Science Now Fits Inside Your Phone
Posted in Hardware on 3rd Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
A spectrometer that fits in your mobile devices could let you scan yourself for skin cancer, among many other things.

Star Trek-Like Molecular Food Scanner SCiO Tops $2 Million On Kickstarter
Posted in Hardware on 4th Jun, 2014
by Alex Muller
A pocket-sized spectrometer that tells you the chemical makeup of things, including nutritional info like calories, carbs, sugars, and more.

Handheld Device Tellspec can Detect Allergens, Chemicals and Nutrients in Food
Posted in Hardware on 16th Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
A hand-held spectrometer that can determine exactly what is in the users food and display it on his or her smartphone.