
NSA reportedly intercepting laptops purchased online to install spy malware
Posted in Online on 31st Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
The NSA secretly intercepts deliveries for laptops in order to implant bugs before they reach their destinations.

The iPhone has reportedly been fully hacked by the NSA since 2008
Posted in Online on 31st Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
As 2013 edges to a close, reports of the NSAs widespread surveillance capabilities have reached new heights of absurdity.

Prediction: The Government Will Put The NSA In Check
Posted in Online on 27th Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
Theyll need to prove that all their programs are worth the risks, which implies more transparency, oversight, and limited access to data.

Snowden on the impact of his NSA leaks: "I already won"
Posted in Online on 25th Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
In his first major interview since landing in Russia, Edward Snowden sounds victorious.

New NSA leak reveals surveillance on charities and senior officials from allied nations
Posted in Online on 21st Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller
More than 1,000 targets were caught up in a surveillance dragnet engineered by the NSA.