Mark Zuckerberg: We want to get 1 billion people in virtual reality

Posted in Software on 11th Oct, 2017
by Alex Muller

One of the key ways Facebook will get there is through the Oculus Go, a wireless VR headset that will sell for just $200.

Microsoft acquires financially troubled social virtual reality app AltspaceVR

Posted in Software on 4th Oct, 2017
by Alex Muller

The VR networking app allows users across headset and web platforms to join 3D chat rooms to play games, watch videos and attend events.

Virtual reality technology could be a powerful tool in diagnosing social anxiety disorder

Posted in Medicine on 25th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller

A team of German researchers is hoping to use virtual reality technology to diagnose social anxiety disorder.

How Eye Tracking is Driving the Next Generation of AR and VR

Posted in Hardware on 5th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller

AR and VR are gearing up for a giant leap forward thanks to advancements in eye-tracking technology.

Virtual Revolution: Ways VR Is Changing Industries

Posted in Software on 31st Aug, 2017
by Alex Muller

VR technology has evolved considerably over the years, and it is now increasingly being used in a wide range of business applications and functions with impressive results.