'ANA AVATAR' selected as a top-prize concept at XPRIZE Visioneers 2016 Summit

Posted in Hardware on 9th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

An extension of the avatar portrayed in the movie Avatar, involves haptics, motion capture, AR, VR, and artificial intelligence.

Everything Oculus announced today: Touch controller launch date, social VR, the VR web, more

Posted in Software on 8th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Oculus wants maintain momentum, as Google showed off Daydream and Sony moves closer to the release of PlayStationVR.

VCs invest record $500 million in augmented and virtual reality in Q3

Posted in Business on 4th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

That was the ninth consecutive quarter of increased investment in the hot sector, which Digi-Capital estimates could be a $120 billion business by 2020.

Minecraft VR demos hit Microsoft's stores to promote Virtual Reality

Posted in Games on 1st Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Minecraft is one of the biggest properties in the world. And that means it could attract even more attention to the burgeoning VR medium.

Tim Cook says augmented reality will be bigger than virtual reality

Posted in Business on 15th Sep, 2016
by Alex Muller

Cook has been dropping hints about Apple's interest in augmented and virtual reality since the beginning of the year.