
A new study challenges assumptions about the origins of Earth's water
Posted in Science on 15th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
If the new hypothesis is correct, it could mean better prospects of finding other rock-and-ocean worlds throughout the galaxy.

Scientists develop 'nanopores' that inexpensively filter the salt out of seawater
Posted in Hardware on 14th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
A material that allows high volumes of water to pass through tiny holes called nanopores while blocking salt and contaminants.

Two billion people rely on snow for drinking water, and supplies are melting
Posted in Science on 13th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
Snow during winter acts as a watery savings account for drier months. When snow melts, it fills rivers, providing a seasonal water supply.

New Horizons: Pluto may have ice volcanoes
Posted in Science on 10th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
Two possible ice volcanoes have been identified on the surface of Pluto.

Accidental orange peel discovery could save lives from mercury poisoning
Posted in Science on 23rd Oct, 2015
by Alex Muller
Scientists stumble over cheap material that can suck deadly mercury out of oceans.