wind energy

86% of New Renewable Electricity Was Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels Last Year
Posted in Business, Science on 25th Sep, 2023
by Alex Muller
The authors suggest the rapid build-out of green energy in recent years probably prevented the spike in fossil fuel prices from developing into an all-out energy crisis last year, highlighting the energy security benefits of renewables.

2021 Will Set An All-Time Record For New Renewable Energy
Posted in Business, Hardware on 27th Dec, 2021
by Alex Muller
The rise of renewable energy seems to be the trend that is making the biggest impact in the energy sector.

Solar to nearly triple by 2020 to about 450 GW and Wind to be about 750 GW
Posted in Hardware on 23rd Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller
In 2015, China added more than 15 gigawatts of solar capacity, surpassing Germany as the largest solar market.

Micro-windmills used to recharge cell phones
Posted in Hardware on 12th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller
A micro-windmill that generates wind energy and may become an innovative solution to cell phone batteries constantly in need of recharging.