
86% of New Renewable Electricity Was Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels Last Year
Posted in Business, Science on 25th Sep, 2023
by Alex Muller
The authors suggest the rapid build-out of green energy in recent years probably prevented the spike in fossil fuel prices from developing into an all-out energy crisis last year, highlighting the energy security benefits of renewables.

2021 Will Set An All-Time Record For New Renewable Energy
Posted in Business, Hardware on 27th Dec, 2021
by Alex Muller
The rise of renewable energy seems to be the trend that is making the biggest impact in the energy sector.

Artificial Island in the North Sea Will Harvest Enormous Wind Energy
Posted in Business, Hardware on 16th Feb, 2021
by Alex Muller
Beyond Denmark, the sea-based power station will supply electricity to several countries bordering the North Sea, likely including the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK.

Germany Solar and Wind is Triple the Cost of France’s Nuclear and Will Last Half as Long
Posted in Business, Hardware on 12th Nov, 2019
by Alex Muller
From 2006 to 2017, Germany increased the cost of electricity for households by 50%. (per an OECD report) French electricity costs are just 59% of German electricity prices. France produces one-tenth the carbon pollution from electricity compared to Germany.

California governor signs law for clean energy by 2045
Posted in Business on 11th Sep, 2018
by Alex Muller
California has passed a law committing to exclusively carbon-free electricity sources by 2045, setting it against US President Donald Trump's energy policy.