
Wind and Solar Are Crushing Fossil Fuels
Posted in Business on 7th Apr, 2016
by Alex Muller
Record clean energy investment outpaces gas and coal 2 to 1.

China proposes $50tn global renewable energy network
Posted in Science on 4th Apr, 2016
by Alex Muller
The company running Chinas power grid is proposing a $50 trillion global electricity network to tackle pollution and climate change.

China to Increase Wind, Solar Power Capacity by 21 Percent in 2016
Posted in Business on 2nd Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller
The nation is targeting at least 20 GW of new wind power installations and 15 GW of additional solar PV capacity.

Europe's energy revolution marches on:
Posted in Science on 23rd Jun, 2015
by Alex Muller
Fully one-third of electricity produced in Europe last year came from renewable energy, reports ENTSO-E.

Are Americans Doomed To Arctic Winters?
Posted in Science on 15th Nov, 2014
by Alex Muller
It comes from the north, dragging frigid air and awful commutes like an terrible shroud over the continental United States, from the Rocky Mountains all the way to the Atlantic.