UK Environment Agency: 7,000 properties to be lost to sea

An estimated 7,000 properties around England and Wales will be sacrificed to rising seas over the next century, says the Environment Agency. Analysis based on current funding levels, projects that 800 will be lost over the next 20 years as coastlines erode. The cost of protecting these properties is considered to be too high.
The Environment Agency estimates that more than £1bn worth of properties will disappear as a result. The coast of England and Wales is being steadily eaten by the waves, and climate change is projected to increase sea-level and drive up the intensity of storms. In the coming 100 years, six local authorities – Great Yarmouth, Southampton, Cornwall, North Norfolk, East Riding and Scarborough – are expected to lose more than 200 homes each.
Local groups are campaigning for compensation if they are forced out of their homes. The government has resisted this call, which could set a precedent for paying damages to people affected by climate change. Friends of the Earth has accused the government of dumping the costs of climate change on to vulnerable people.