YoungPlanet, a circular economy app

Jason Ash is the co-founder of YoungPlanet, a circular economy app where families can give and receive parenting and children’s items for free. The cashless platform lets parents list or request different children’s items, from books and clothes to toys and baby equipment. This is an extract from his interview.(

What one thing do you wish you’d done differently when launching your company?

When we originally launched YoungPlanet in 2019, we kept to a manageable and realistic timeline; investing where we could and bringing people on board when we felt ready. We didn’t go crazy and were really mindful of not running before we could walk. Our measured approach saw us outlast competitors that expanded too soon, but in hindsight, we could probably have taken a few more risks at the start of our journey – our team and product were definitely strong enough to handle it.

Should founders be outspoken on social media?

All founders should try and work towards establishing a transparent relationship with consumers and so being willing to listen on social media is the most important thing. Customer support is vital, and by making others aware of your commitment to becoming better, your journey will be all the more successful.
Social media can also be a great way of authentically demonstrating that you exist to further a cause, and not just to make a profit. Being able to land this message is essential in getting people to join your mission.

Excluding your own, what’s a sector that’s ripe for disruption?

The travel industry, especially when it comes to the sector’s environmental impacts. Digitalisation has given travel so much potential for innovation, but there still needs to be a shift in the way people engage with eco-friendly travel at a social and cultural level.